HCBS Settings Rule Webinar with Laura Brackin PhD
Please click below to download the presentation slides and a copy of the PCP Self-Assessment made available through the National Center...
HCBS Settings Rule Webinar with Laura Brackin PhD
Together for Choice Joins with RCPA, Parents to Launch ACT Now for Severe Autism Campaign
National Debut of a Video Featuring Severe Autism
HCBS Settings Rule - Isolation Criteria & Heightened Scrutiny
TFC Community Spotlight - Friends of Children with Special Needs and Costal Haven Families, LLC
Important Letter from CMS regarding the HCBS Settings Rule
David Axelrod's Opinion Piece in the New York Times
TFC Member Call 6/10/2021
TFC Community Highlight - Annandale Village
TFC Community Highlight - Maple Oaks and St. Louis Guanella Village
TFC's Comment on HCBS Access Act Draft
TFC's Analysis of Proposed Draft of HCBS Access Act